Dirty Solar Panels Can Create Issues For A Solar Plant
Dirty solar panels can prevent the flow of electricity from the panels to your home. Your solar panels are one of the important devices in your home. They are used to harness the sunlight and convert it into electricity.Dirty solar panels can prevent the flow of electricity from the panels to your home. Your solar panels are one of the important devices in your home. They are used to harness the sunlight and convert it into electr

Even though solar panels are the most environmentally friendly way of harnessing solar energy, they are not immune to the problems.Dirty solar panels can restrict the flow of electricity from the panels to your home. This can lead to inefficient energy production.

1. Dead spots on solar panel
2. No power production
3. Streaks across the panels
4. Shiny spots on panel
5. Non-uniform color across the panel
Here are some simple tips on maintaining your solar panels:

1. Keep the area around the solar panels clean.
2. Clean the panels on sunny days.
3. Use a soft water-fed brush to clean off the panel.
4. Use mineral-free water to clean the panels.
5. Hire Solar-Klean to clean your panels.
